Cristal, 2 years old |
Kalil, 3 years old |
Children's Day |
The team painted designs at Casa de Luz |
Aben and David painting with the team at Zulema's house |
Painting at Bessy's house |
I have been putting off writing a blog for a few weeks now
because I have been lacking the energy. Today I have just enough energy and realized
all the details keep adding up to make for a very long update.
My time in the States went well, I made new contacts and
caught up with old ones. It was a great time of fellowship and sharing. Thank
you to everyone who hosted me and allowed me to share the ministry with you or
your church. I traveled all over and had the opportunity to see my immediate
family and lot of my extended family as well. I never get to see everyone, but
with each trip I see different people.
Two days after returning to Honduras I had a team from
Canada come, stay in my apartment and share in the ministry at Casa de Luz and
with Aben’s ministry at the Dump and the school. The girls were a blessing to
so many people here and I think their lives were impacted, as well. While they
were here, they got to spend time with the kids at Casa de Luz, painted Bessy
and Zulema’s houses, did a feeding program at the trash dump, and played with
the kids at Aben’s school. The girls had lots of energy and made instant
friendships with the kids; they still ask about the girls. It was a long week so the girls had an
opportunity to serve in a variety of different ways!
While I was in the States we had a new girl join the
program. Nazareth is 2 years old and very passive. She is not like most of our
2 year olds that loves to be picked up and nurtured when she cries, we are
still trying to get to know her, but she is sweet and has a squeaky two year
old voice that comes out every once in a while when she is comfortable enough
to talk.
This past week, we had 2 new siblings enter the ministry as
well. Kalil is 3 years old and his younger sister Cristal is 2 years old. They
are brand new so I don’t know their story yet, but they also have a younger
sister that looks to be around 10 months old that their grandmother watches
while the mother works.
Monday was Child’s Day in Honduras. Similar to Mothers Day
and Fathers Day, Honduras celebrates the children. It is like Christmas; no
matter how little the family has, they save all their money to buy an outfit
for Children’s Day or something special. Many of the kids came in the new
clothes that the team brought for them and the birthday shoes many of you
helped us give. I had not seen one little boy wear them yet, and when he wore
them yesterday, he told me they were for church. That being said, the new gifts
that are given are treasured for very special occasions like church, Children’s
Day, and Christmas. We had the opportunity to go to a bank country club and
play in a secure grassy playground area. It was so fun for the kids to be
outdoors and run freely in the grass. However, as an adult putting the shoes on
for the hundredths time got a little old… I say that jokingly because these
kids live on dirt streets and rocks are all around, there is no grass to take
your shoes off and run. Even if it did bother me to put shoes on multiple
times, it was worth every sweaty foot!
Lastly, continue to pray for Vanessa and her family. There
are a lot of details involved but Gabriel and Javier are now living in a
children’s home and Racsel is still living with Vanessa. It will be hard not to
see them every day and have them in the ministry, but I still have contact with
Vanessa and we will be able to visit them at the home. Continue to pray for the
boys and the family.
Vanessa at Christmas with Gabriel, Racsel, and Javier |
Nazareth in her new clothes for childrens day (she usually wears the same 3 outfits) |