The plane ticket is bought! I am going Sept 8. I don't have all the support raised, but I know I'm supposed to be down there. I will be able to make it til Christmas, but the monthly support to keep me down there is lacking. I have a 10 month commitment to Casa de Luz, but without money, I would have to return to the states and work after Christmas. I just need a few people to support me monthly and I could be there, serving longer.
I'm sending out a second newsletter, updating supporters of my needs for prayer and financial support. I'm excited and blessed to be going back and serving this community. The college student that was filling in for the summer finished last week, so they are down a teacher right now until I return.
Calvary Chapel Jax is having a Missions Benefit Concert on Sept 3 to support my ministry. I'm praying that people will consider supporting me or missions somewhere. Its an event to raise awareness of the needs of missionaries. As well as, tell people about Casa de Luz in Honduras.
I'm still working at a restaurant and praying for everything to fall into place!