Alicia praising God with her new instrument

Silyi with her shirt

Racsel making her shirt

waiting to wash hands for lunch
As you might have noticed, or felt neglected that I have not updated the blog, is that I had headaches/ migraines for over a month. I am thankful to say, I have been headache free for 6 days and now its time to catch up on life in the outside world. Headaches are debilitating, so its hard to do anything, especially think, when you head is pounding. I visited a few doctors, tried lots of meds, and lastly took a pre-planned vacation to the beach. The latter seems to have been the most successful.
First I want to update you on news of the ministry, then news about me. The kids are growing and sweet. I love being able to hold them and watch them giggle. This week the founder is in town and so it will be a week of festivities. Today we tie- dyed shirts with the kids, and did a few other crafts. It is fun to have a break from the normal, with visitors and gifts. The kids are enjoying her time here. We are planning on going on a field trip on Friday and wearing our new shirts.
Next week we will say goodbye to Debie who has been a huge help the past few months. She is great with the children, always smiling and a great teacher. Hopefully we will have her help us out again. The positive news of this situation is that all the teachers are healthy and we can get back in to the routines we had started to establish.
I have really noticed this week, the progress some of our kids have made. Remembering back to when I started in September, one little boy would not smile and talk, now he is constantly smiling and talks a lot and participates in the activities. He used to not even join a circle and now he plays the games. They all have stories of progress, and it brings me joy to take notice of these accomplishments!
The past two weeks I had the opportunity to leave the city, for ministry and vacation. The first week I translated for a vision clinic in a city 2 hours away. I met a lot of new friends, Honduran and American and I it was a fun experience to be able to allow two people, that don’t speak the same language, to communicate. I learned about eyes and some medical terms I didn’t even know in English. I was actually ministered to by the group I worked with when the last day my headache got really bad.
After the week of ministry I went towards the beach. I visited a friend who I met in the airport when I was traveling home in February. She works in a mission hospital way out in the country. It was a very beautiful, remote little “pueblo” (town) 2 hours down a dirt road. I described my weekend as very Honduran. She lives with a family so we spent lots of time talking and walking with them. It was very fun!
After the weekend, I went to a hotel down a dirt road with pastures on each side. It was very secluded and right on the beach. It felt like a secret garden full of flowers, trees and birds, right on the beach. It was a very relaxing environment and I did not miss the noise of the city at all. I was ready to go home at the end, since I traveled alone, but it was very peaceful, quiet and relaxing. And most importantly, my headaches went away! Gracias a Dios.
I am putting more pictures on Facebook of our activities today because I can fit more pictures there.