(this is my current favorite picture of Heydi, constantly asking to be held)
Little out of routine has happened since the last time I blogged. It’s rainy season, so it’s always an experience getting into the neighborhood where I do ministry. Yesterday my truck got stuck in a 2 holes. Its funny because I had visitors with me, I picked them up because they have a small car that would not have made it as far as mine, then mine gets stuck. When I finally gave up, the pastor came walking down the street and helped. We got in the back, to put weight on the back tires, and with lots of splattering dirt and several tries later, he got it out. Please pray that I can sell this truck and have the funds to buy an SUV with 4WD and the ability to fit passengers.

I am preparing for a team that will be here next week and staying for 8 days, as well as, packing for a month of furlough and fundraising. Although I'm not busy yet, I'm preparing for the next month as much as I can.
An update on Javier is that his mother has pulled him out of the program for a time. Now he goes to sell things on the street with her. His siblings, Gabriel and Racsel, still come every day, so hopefully after a time Javier will be coming back to join us. He has such a sweet side, along side his violent, angry side that makes it hard to deal with the situation of him remaining with the other kids as well as hard to deal with him not being with us. We are praying for a change and to have him back eventually.
As I prepare to go back to the states in 2 weeks, please pray for my travels and fundraising. Being with these children is my comfortable element, sharing their stories and lives places me out of my element. However, I understand how crucial it is for their stories to be told, so that people can support them and lift them up in prayer.
I will be in the States August 1 to September 5. Northern California August 1-8, Charlotte August 14-18, Jacksonville August 20-27, and Georgia August 30- September 4. If you would like to host me, grab coffee, share a meal, have me share in a small group or church, please contact me by email (jenny_bronsink@hotmail.com) or facebook to set up a date. My goal is to raise support for the following year to continue in this ministry. I need to raise $10,000 ($1,000 monthly) to remain in Honduras for another year teaching and raising these children.