March seems to be the beginning of the “team season.” It seems that from this point on, there will be various mission’s teams visiting the country doing a wide range of ministries. I had my first group here last week, from Tuesday to Tuesday. It was busy and full of activities and ministries to do. Of course whenever anyone comes down, the schedule fills up and it feels like a roller coaster week. Thankfully, everything went smoothly with no problems! Gracias a Dios J
With the couple from South Carolina, we had the opportunity to take the kids to the zoo and Picacho (a huge statue of Jesus overlooking Tegucigalpa). The kids loved it. Although we were all hot and thoroughly exhausted at the end, everything went smoothly, even avoiding the teacher strike blocking one of the roads on the way out. Thankfully the pastor is also a taxi driver, so we changed routes before the strike took the intersection completely! The kids loved the zoo and all the animals!
The other days with the kids, we got to love on them and play with them. We sang songs for the visitors and enjoyed the sidewalk chalk they brought us (as well as many other needs!) On Sunday we had a parents seminar for all the parents in the program. We did coloring crafts and played with balloons, while the parents attended a seminar. I had a chance to talk again with one of the mothers. She had pain in her back and had a very worn out look in her eyes. She is the mother of 7 and works outside all day, every day selling things. Her husband, or the father of the youngest 3 children is in jail. Usually she is positive and smiling, but this Sunday she looked worn out from life, and I got to talk to her a little bit and listen to her problems. Its moments like these that remind me why God wants me here. To listen, invest in their lives and offer hope when their lives are so difficult.

Please continue to pray for the families and opportunities to share with them. We have another team coming next week and I think we will have the opportunity to help in the houses of some of our families, as well as, paint the walls of the day care.
On another note, my car is for sell. It has been more trouble than use. Please pray that is sells quickly, before another thing breaks. Aben and I have been sharing it for both ministries, and has been a blessing on many occasions. Now it is time to pray that it sells quickly and I will be able to raise $3,000 more to have a reliable car. Not only is in not reliable, we have noticed that everywhere we go the cab and a half is full of people (with the flip down seats in the back) as well as 3-4 people in the bed of the truck (sometimes more). This is a big need that I will need prayer and finances for, please pray about this and pass it along to anyone who may be able to help in this area.
This week looks like a normal week in my life, except for today there was a teacher strike blocking the 2 main roads I would take to the daycare. Its safe for me, but it’s very close to my apartment, so I am staying inside. The public school teachers, taxis, and busses have been striking a lot, so it has made for some big traffic jams or parking lots. Next week will be busy again. Pray for all the teams coming and going this month. I will have 2, but there will be others here visiting the ministry and area.
Here are some pictures and a video from this week!
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