Its something I shouldn't tell my mother, but its something I don't really even want to tell myself. My second night in my new apartment went calm and peaceful. I felt safe and protected. I woke up to organize more things, drink some coffee, read a little of my book, and listen to music. Around noon I had a knock on my door.. the landlady.
Here’s what she tells me: “Did you see two men walking outside your window (I live on the second floor above their house). My tv cable is not working very well so I called the cable company. When the guys came to the gate, I did not answer and then they went up the wall and looked at the cables (outside my windows… with bars!) and said everything was fine. Then I called the cable company and they said they no one had come yet. I think they were robbers. Did you see them? Did anything happen?
My response: thinking to myself, wow this is where I’m living now. Then I was like, no I had my windows and curtains closed all morning until 20 min ago. And this morning I woke up and remembered an extra set of sheets I had brought and decided to put in my large kitchen window THIS morning (the window where they would have been looking in).
I guess this was just a welcome to the neighborhood and a reassurance that I have angels protecting me, my thoughts (I still don’t feel ‘unsafe’), and my place. For clarification, I’m smart with what I do, but I’m not preoccupied and worried with what could happen.
In other news, I have started at Casa de Luz. I'm starting by just observing and getting used to things. So yesterday, after getting moved in to my new apartment I got to go all day! The road was terrible, and I was grateful to have the truck. I would not have made it without the 4x4. The rain has washed away the roads, and the dirt roads are even worse. I had the opportunity to observe and play with the kids. This little girl Raxel (they thought her name was Jascel for weeks) came to Casa de Luz in June with her 2 brothers. She is 2 years old and had been left in a busy shopping center all day. She came malnourished and not smiling very much. Yesterday I started the day with her looking at me, when I smiled, she would smile back. Within hours she was smiling at me, and sitting next to me doing puzzles. By the end of the day should would not leave my lap, knew my name and kept telling me to tickle her while she giggled. I left completely exhausted and really happy to be here!
Other news is the tropical storm that will hit us tonight. Pray for Honduras. Honduras is not structured to handle this much rain. Many people will lose their homes in landslides and flooding. Its hard for someone to understand this without knowing the country, but this much rain is not good. Every downpour brings flooding, now multiply that by days this storm will bring.... not good!