Wednesday, September 1, 2010

one week! una semana!

Lots of things to do this week! This time next week, I will be in Honduras! I'm so excited, but at the same time my mind is racing with things to get done. I guess this happens before any trip or move! But it doesn't help when its time to stop thinking and sleep :)

This Friday my friends at Calvary Chapel Jax are organizing a benefit concert to help me raise support. I am excited to see what God is going to do! I'm going to talk some and show a video. I finished making a presentation of the kids and their pictures to put up in the entrance as well.

I have officially packed one bag, one more to go. I have to figure out all the weight limitations, as well as, "manageability." When you arrive in Tegucigalpa you can't just roll a cart out, you actually have to carry/ roll your luggage all out by yourself. Probably 20 feet from the baggage claim to where people wait for you, but with ''unmanageable'' bags, its a LONG 20 feet.

Once I get to Honduras I will have a week to look for an apartment and get settled in, then I will start working on the 20th!

I have received lots of support over the last few months and I am very grateful for the people that have helped me along the way. I have about $8,000 (unofficially), I'm not sure the exact amount.

Keep praying for my preparation and transition, as well as safety in this move. Thanks for all your support!

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